NS2のNew Trace Fileの読み方
new-wireless-trace(シナリオ中に"$ns use-newtrace"と記述する)
$ns trace-all $tracefd $ns namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $val(x) $val(y) $ns use-newtrace
r -t 10.094370289 -Hs 0 -Hd 0 -Ni 0 -Nx 10.75 -Ny 5.00 -Nz 0.00 -Ne -1.000000 -Nl RTR -Nw --- -Ma 13a -Md 0 -Ms 2 -Mt 800 -Is 1.255 -Id 0.255 -It DSR -Il 52 -If 0 -Ii 4 -Iv 253 -P dsr -Ph 3 -Pq 0 -Ps 2 -Pp 1 -Pn 2 -Pl 3 -Pe 0->1 -Pw 0 -Pm 0 -Pc 0 -Pb 0->0
- Node property tags:-N
- Ni: node id
- Nx: node’s x-coordinate
- Ny: node’s y-coordinate
- Nz: node’s z-coordinate
- Ne: node energy level
- Nl: trace level, such as AGT, RTR, MAC
- Nw: reason for the event. The different reasons for dropping a packet are given below:END, COL, DUP, ERR, RET, STA, BSY, NRTE, LOOP, TTL, TOUT, CBK ,IFQ, ARP, OUT
- acket information at IP level:-I
- Next hop info:-H
- Hs: id for this node
- Hd: id for next hop towards the destination
- Packet info at MAC level:-M
- Packet info at “Application level”:-P
- P arp Address Resolution Protocol. Details for ARP is given by the following tags:
- P dsr This denotes the adhoc routing protocol called Dynamic source routing. Information on DSR is represented by the following tags:
- Pn: how many nodes traversed
- Pq: routing request flag
- Pi: route request sequence number
- Pp: routing reply flag
- Pl: reply length
- Pe: src of srcrouting->dst of the source routing
- Pw: error report flag ?
- Pm: number of errors
- Pc: report to whom
- Pb: link error from linka->linkb
- P cbr Constant bit rate. Information about the CBR application is represented by the following tags:
- Pi: sequence number
- Pf: how many times this pkt was forwarded
- Po: optimal number of forwards
- P tcp Information about TCP flow is given by the following subtags:
- Ps: seq number
- Pa: ack number
- Pf: how many times this pkt was forwarded
- Po: optimal number of forwards
NS2 Training Course Wireless Network参考